Sunday, March 29, 2009

so.. sometimes superstrongjohn succeeds...

but only rarely.

our basketball team, squirtlesquad, won 1st place in the impact basketball league...

  • squirtlesquad with black "friends." they are good at basketball.

i can finally remove that bucket of prunes...

  • they are NOT good. do not buy. do not get tricked by the "better than real fruit" logo...
with something a little prettier...

  • barney was very excited...

  • original squirtle squad.

  • this is how we celebrated. this is NOT good either. do not get tricked by the delicious looking picture...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

sb, part2...

so here is the second half of spring break...

here again, we have ultrahilariousbarney... who forgot to bring boxers to the trip...

  • and then went to walmart and got the wrong size boxers...
day3. the beach...

  • fattyandy breaking some more stuff...

  • me sacrificing my body to feed the seagulls. gosh, i am always looking out for others!

  • rofl at fattyandy sucking in his fat...

  • then we decided to take a picture of everyone flexing and fattyandy is the only one without definition. love watching andy lose! he beat me at minigolf the day before so i had to beat him in something that day.

then we tried to catch some seagulls...

  • both of these methods resulted in failure...

  • then we decided to use cheetos as bait...

  • and hiding underneath...

  • so close... but still failures...

  • slaves.

day4. canoeing...

  • so barney is not so good at putting on sunscreen...

  • we started off to happy...

  • but then we got tired. :(.

day5. gettin' fat and meetin' cuties...

  • went to the world's largest mcdonalds or something like that...

  • it was crazy, they had cake and pasta and crazy food!

  • so i got tricked into geting a buffalo chicken sandwich..

  • i was not satisfied...

  • so i went back and got my fave sandwich of all time, can't go wrong with a big mac! this completely destroyed my diet and now i am looking like fattyandy :(

after getting fatty at mcdonalds, we went on towards the rest of our adventure...

  • so we met some cuties

  • flaunted our "glamorous" dance moves...

  • scared them off...

  • and went back home...
the end. sorry, i know these last two posts were not that hilarious. but i promise they will all be hilarious from now on! until then, have a wonderful wednesday.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

so sb was fun but nothing crazy happened...

don't get me wrong, i had lotsa fun. but nothing truly blog worthy... sorry!

day1. the trip begins...

  • driver barney getting the munchies on the highway...

  • fattyandy sleeping...

  • mm, there seems to be another pair of legs down there...
day2. lotsa worthless pics...

  • pretty plant

  • alligators in FL have skills...

  • man, superstrongjohn is super strong!!!

  • so cutie!

  • how the flags are supposed to look...

  • until fattyandy tries to hang on it and breaks it with his fat...

but its ok.. bc ssj is to the rescue!!!

  • i got this!

  • maybe with a little help...

  • almost there...

  • just a little more...

  • man, what a stud...

  • so i got a little scared...

  • ok fine, i got really scared...

  • fail.

  • its ok. looks better this way...

  • this is why he is called fattyandy.
day3, 4, 5, coming soon! too tired of uploading now. have a terrific tuesday!