Monday, February 23, 2009

so i'm a jerk on fbook too...

as you prob know, i am pretty new to this blogger thing. i just found out they have this "follower" thing which i guess is the xanga equivalent of "subscription." cutiestephenkim was the first to "follow" me and so i added the "gadget" to the column on the right so i guess you can follow if you want? i don't know how you get updates or how it works, but feel free to add and let me know bc i am so clueless as well.

and now to the fun stuff...
recently, some randos have been adding me on fbook. it got me to thinking about my rules for adding/accepting people on fbook. i usually do a little spring-cleaning here and there deleting people i don't like or find unattractive and realized that my criteria for adding pple has changed. early in my collegiate career, i would basically accept anyone as a friend, but as i leave more of my life on fbook, ive become more strict with my adding/accepting.

so here are my basic 3 rules for adding pple on fbook.
i will only add you on fbook if you...
  1. are in my class and i need your help on hw...
  2. are better than me in basketball...

    needless to say, i did not add the person in the background of this picture....

  3. are super cutie...
which it seems, is other people's reason for adding people too... how do i know this? well this girl in the pic. she does not exist. her name is not sarah nguyen. and she does not go to georgia tech. can you please tell that to khang hoang, jane nguyen, chad panuelos, sungju nam, dave ma, nghiem vo, arturo lubas who have all "poked her." this is on top of the 13 other people who have actually attempted to add her...

she is rather cutie though...

also, the following have sent her msgs.
  • william chang: " sup girl"
  • erdem tepegoz: "hi how are you"
  • kelvin nguyen (who is ultra desperate and sent two msgs): " chao ban, nhin de thuog vay ta :)))"
    this was followed by "hey cutie heheheh :))"
i suppose the 2nd msg was just in case miss nguyen didn't know viet. also, what is this double/triple chin smiley face? ":)))" are you trying to tell her you're fat?! is that really the msg you want to convey other than being a lonely desperate loser? please stop. kthx. also, if anyone can translate the viet for me, that would be great!

sarah nguyen or "vietcongsweetie" as she has come to be known was a moniker given to a rando girl me and some friends found by googling "cute girl" back in high school. it seems that the vietcongrangers are very easily tricked as she is constantly added and poked by superdesperateguys.

although, i do wonder if this random girl will one day stumble across my blog and sue me. that is my single greatest fear. outside of girls with man-hands.

now, back to the rando people that have been adding me. usually i just reject. but i became a little curious and decided to msg them, "do i know you?"
it was short and somewhat curt, but whatever, they can deal with it. here are their responses.
  1. tae kim: "someone told me you look like me so i wanted to find out if it was true."
    added him. did not think he was a beautiful as i. rejected him.
  2. bryan yang: "lol we played bball couple times. you're really good so I added you. and also... you're on Barny and friends lol? I'm on tasa. Hubert talks about you."
    tasa = taiwan = reject. plus bad spelling, rather stalkerish as i do not remember playing ball with him. and if i do not remember, he is not better than me so all the more reason to reject.
  3. christine wong: "Hey…I don't think we don't know each other... I feel really awkward doing this... but i was looking for a friend of mine I lost contact with that might be your friend.... I feel so weird... I am really sorry..."
    now i just feel like a jerk.
so usually i don't use names, instead using such nicknames such as "superworthlessgirl" or "supercutieface." however, as i do not know these people, i am curious to see if any of you know them and can tell me more... :P. from now on, i'll prob go back to my normal naming conventions. until then, enjoy and have a marvelous monday!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

so today is my birthday...

and surprisingly, my parents remembered, which never happens... i was super elated!

and they even bought me presents! which NEVER happens. actually, they didn't buy me anything: my cousins and aunts in china did. but i should have still known something was wrong...

so i go to dinner, and this is what i see...

playboy?! must be something crazy! actually, i got really nervous... who gets their cousin/nephew something from playboy?

little do i know...

so inside were three presents... each one... more surprising than the predecessor...

present 1.

ok ok, its a shirt. maybe its fashionable in china, i can live with that. i might never wear it, but nothing to get upset about...

present 2.

REALLY?! A PLAYBOY MAN-PURSE?! what were they thinking?! well it turns out that playboy is a name brand in china. and not in the same way it is here. and pple actually use man-bags there bc everyone carries cash. i tried to calm down and just accept it...

present 3.

seriously?! seriously?! do they think i'm gay? this was present number 3. asdf;lkj;asldf. what am i supposed to do with all this?!

i guess i'm supposed to go out for a night on the town?

and try to get picked up by the numerous gay guys in atl?

so, if you ever see me dressed like this. you will know. these were the presents i received from my cousins/aunts in china. they <3 me soo much. and clearly know me soooo well.

p.s. just so you know, my sexual orientation is still heterosexual. k, thanks.
have a terrific tuesday...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

blogger's block.

that is all.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

my failed courtship...

in light of the upcoming holiday known as valentine's day, i've decided to detail some incidents in my love life. these incidents have all occurred in my courtship of this, supercutiegirl, that i have been crushing on for some time...

now, i seem to be rather good at romancing males (no homo). however, i am rather clueless in the art of romancing females. and so i decided to read some "how to make a super cutie girl fall in love with you" books. the following are their steps and my actions.

1. take her to a nice restaurant.
so i thought, mm, pho and spring rolls. who doesn't like that?

maybe she would of if there wasn't an extra ingredient in there... those dirty vietcong and their vietcong hair...

2. pursue her interests.
i tried that. she likes bball and black guys.

basketball and black guys do not like me.

3. stay in shape.

unfortunately this is what my grocery bag looks like...

i love brownies. that is a fact.

4. be mature.

clearly, this is not possible.

6. treat them with respect.


5. make sure your past doesn't come back to haunt you.
so, there is a little fact that i had only told a few people. however, that secret leaked out, and i've decided to share it with the world. that secret can basically be summed up in the following picture...

how did this little secret spill out? well, i recently received a bday present. with a card. and i read the card out loud while supercutiegirl was there, thinking i was being nice. the card read, "dearest john: happy birthday! hope you have an amazing day!!! maybe your fantasy..." that is when i tried to stopped reading. however, it was too late.

supercutiegirl: what fantasy?
me: oh nothing.
superworthlessgirlwhoisstandingthere: john, why don't you tell us your fantasy? it sounds soooo interesting...
supercutiegirl: yea, tell us!
me: i hate you superworthlessgirlwhoisstandingthere.

the rest of the card read... well the picture probably explains it... i tried to tell them that the party i was at had run out of plates. and i was sacrificing my body so people would have a clean place to eat (i had showered right before). however, that was met with, "you're nasty. we're not friends. what is wrong with you?! etc."

needless to say, she has decided to stop returning my calls. sad. day.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

sometimes i can relate to the internet...

so grace sent me this picture...

it reminded me of...

although, i wasn't quite high.. i'm a good kid...

Monday, February 2, 2009

one of these things...