and now to the fun stuff...
recently, some randos have been adding me on fbook. it got me to thinking about my rules for adding/accepting people on fbook. i usually do a little spring-cleaning here and there deleting people i don't like or find unattractive and realized that my criteria for adding pple has changed. early in my collegiate career, i would basically accept anyone as a friend, but as i leave more of my life on fbook, ive become more strict with my adding/accepting.
so here are my basic 3 rules for adding pple on fbook.
i will only add you on fbook if you...
- are in my class and i need your help on hw...
- are better than me in basketball...
needless to say, i did not add the person in the background of this picture.... - are super cutie...

she is rather cutie though...
also, the following have sent her msgs.
- william chang: "
sup girl" - erdem tepegoz:
"hi how are you" - kelvin nguyen (who is ultra desperate and sent two msgs): "
chao ban, nhin de thuog vay ta :)))"
this was followed by"hey cutie heheheh :))"
sarah nguyen or "vietcongsweetie" as she has come to be known was a moniker given to a rando girl me and some friends found by googling "cute girl" back in high school. it seems that the vietcongrangers are very easily tricked as she is constantly added and poked by superdesperateguys.
although, i do wonder if this random girl will one day stumble across my blog and sue me. that is my single greatest fear. outside of girls with man-hands.
now, back to the rando people that have been adding me. usually i just reject. but i became a little curious and decided to msg them, "do i know you?"
it was short and somewhat curt, but whatever, they can deal with it. here are their responses.
- tae kim: "someone told me you look like me so i wanted to find out if it was true."
added him. did not think he was a beautiful as i. rejected him. - bryan yang: "lol we played bball couple times. you're really good so I added you. and also... you're on Barny and friends lol? I'm on tasa. Hubert talks about you."
tasa = taiwan = reject. plus bad spelling, rather stalkerish as i do not remember playing ball with him. and if i do not remember, he is not better than me so all the more reason to reject. - christine wong: "Hey…I don't think we don't know each other... I feel really awkward doing this... but i was looking for a friend of mine I lost contact with that might be your friend.... I feel so weird... I am really sorry..."
now i just feel like a jerk.