Wednesday, March 25, 2009

sb, part2...

so here is the second half of spring break...

here again, we have ultrahilariousbarney... who forgot to bring boxers to the trip...

  • and then went to walmart and got the wrong size boxers...
day3. the beach...

  • fattyandy breaking some more stuff...

  • me sacrificing my body to feed the seagulls. gosh, i am always looking out for others!

  • rofl at fattyandy sucking in his fat...

  • then we decided to take a picture of everyone flexing and fattyandy is the only one without definition. love watching andy lose! he beat me at minigolf the day before so i had to beat him in something that day.

then we tried to catch some seagulls...

  • both of these methods resulted in failure...

  • then we decided to use cheetos as bait...

  • and hiding underneath...

  • so close... but still failures...

  • slaves.

day4. canoeing...

  • so barney is not so good at putting on sunscreen...

  • we started off to happy...

  • but then we got tired. :(.

day5. gettin' fat and meetin' cuties...

  • went to the world's largest mcdonalds or something like that...

  • it was crazy, they had cake and pasta and crazy food!

  • so i got tricked into geting a buffalo chicken sandwich..

  • i was not satisfied...

  • so i went back and got my fave sandwich of all time, can't go wrong with a big mac! this completely destroyed my diet and now i am looking like fattyandy :(

after getting fatty at mcdonalds, we went on towards the rest of our adventure...

  • so we met some cuties

  • flaunted our "glamorous" dance moves...

  • scared them off...

  • and went back home...
the end. sorry, i know these last two posts were not that hilarious. but i promise they will all be hilarious from now on! until then, have a wonderful wednesday.


mikle said...

i rofled.

Anonymous said...

I rofled too. hahaha you're seagull escapade and the "slave" picture... omg hahahahaha