Saturday, April 25, 2009

things that annoy me: the "enter this" question before you can download...

so i was online, downloading emo asian music. and got to the point where they ask you to copy the random letters into the little text box to make sure you're an actual person... usually, this is not a problem. but i have noticed that they have gotten harder and harder...

that last one is NOT an "A"

this one took me 3 tries. wtf at that?! i mean, i already get confused when they sometimes put a lower cased letter there to trick you. but, seirously, numbers too?! i just want to listen to cry myself to sleep with some fobby music about random girls getting cancer and dying. is that too much to ask for?!

also. finals are coming up. so i will most likely be updating more frequently. it is what i do.


Grace said...

i hope this isn't foreshadowing of your final exam taking skills.

superstrongjohn said...

i hope so too. that is why i am studying so hard with you right now...