naw, homegirl, you fat and ugly, you hagrid, end of story.
facebook is getting way too crazy now. can someone please tell me the difference between live feed and newsfeed?
the reason i mention these quizzes is bc i recently saw one asking "which sienfield character are you?" ok, thats a lie. i've never seen that quiz, but i thought it would make for a good intro. anyways, what matters is it reminded me of a blog post i'd been meaning to write for sometime. how i am george costanza.
a year ago, i was telling a friend of mine about my internship at anonymous company. while there, i told him how i was able to convince 3 different managers that i was working on projects for another manager. therefore, being able to get paid while never doing any work. also, i worked a weird schedule that no one actually knew anything about. so i was able to come in whenever and put a few extra hrs here and there. i was young, forgive me.
well, i told my friend this and he said i was just like george costanza from sienfield, one of my fave shows ever, bc george was always doing things to get paid for doing nothing. i laughed at the comment bc i thought it was pretty much true. little did we know how true that comment was. later that night, on my random wikipedia searching sprees, i decided to wiki george costanza. what i found was shocking and astounding.
actually, first i googled george costanza. and this was the first picture to come up.
i have no idea how many pictures i have of myself in this pose.
already, i was very intrigued to see how much more i was like george costanza. well, he is described as a "Short, stocky, slow-witted, bald man". ok, short and slow-witted, maybe. stocky? i hope not and def not bald.. yet. 2/4 ain't bad but not great. i read on..
"Characteristics: George is neurotic, self-loathing, and dominated by his parents." after wikipediaing "neurotic" i determined that was def. all 3. how do i know this? just read my following tweets:
neurotic - "dang it, used "gonna" instead of "going to" in chat with coworker. stupid john!"
self-loathing - " i ask myself, "why did these people hire me?!" every time i come to work.."
dominated by parents - a few weeks ago, my mom told me to be careful when i go out. bc people might put drugs in my drink and do things to me. somehow, i feel like they are going after different prey...
"Throughout Seinfeld's first season, George was portrayed as a moderately intelligent character—at one point; he mentions an intellectual interest in the American Civil War and, in some early episodes, appears almost as a mentor to Jerry—but gets less sophisticated, to the point of being too lazy even to read a 90-page book. However, one Chicago Tribune reviewer noted that, despite of all his shortcomings, George is "pretty content with himself."
well, my mom always said i was smart but lazy. i prefer stupid and lazy. and despite all my shortcomings and failures, i am very content with myself. so pretty much spot on here.
"George exhibits a number of negative character traits, among them stinginess, selfishness, dishonesty, insecurty, and neurosis."
dont' believe that i exhibit all of these character traits? just go on one date with me. jk! i am ultra good guy!
"Many of these traits form the basis of his involvement in various plots, schemes, and awkward social encounters. Episode plots frequently feature George manufacturing elaborate deceptions at work or in his relationships in order to gain or maintain some small or imagined advantage. He had success in "The Opposite," in which Jerry advises him to do the opposite of what his instincts tell him to do, which results in him getting a girlfriend and a job with the Yankees."
mm, i've talked my way into getting someone to pay for a dollar movie bc i drove; had my boss's daughter at a tutoring place pay for my movie ticket; gotten 3 different managers thinking that i was working on a project for someone else; cheated of the people next to me and gotten higher scores. as for doing the opposite of what my instincts tell me to do. i never tell anyone related to my professional life about my blog no matter how much i want to. currently, i am still employed, probably not for long though...
"His relationship with Elaine and Kramer is likely a love/hate relationship. With Elaine, he does get into arguments in one episode, even though he is scared of her."
have you met my friend grace?
"He has an affinity for nice restrooms and lush work facilities. In "The Revenge", he quits his real-estate job solely because he is forbidden to use his boss's private bathroom." In "The Busboy", he claims to have a cursory knowledge of the locations of the best bathrooms in the city.
i also have an affinity towards clean restrooms, refusing to go to any public ones unless completely necessary. at gatech, i trust the management building, 1st floor student center (never 2nd), coc building, and the crc (but only to pee). recently, i was forced to poo at a chevron. i showered for 45 minutes that night.
"He also displays a fear of diseases, such as lupus and cancer. "
umm, chlamydia?
"George is the only character who isn't able to smoke a cigarette. "
smoking, are you joking? that is all you need to know.
"The extreme closeness of the friendship (with Jerry) is occasionally mistaken for homosexuality."
for some reason, i come across the same problem.
" "The Cartoon", George dates someone whom Kramer insists is merely a "female Jerry". When George is forced to note to himself that the idea of a female Jerry with whom he can have a close personal relationship and also a sexual relationship would be everything he has ever wanted, George, in horror, breaks off his relationship with the woman."
i once decided that if there was a female Andy, i might fall in love.