Wednesday, November 4, 2009

dear little asian boy,

3 times i have walked past you at the crc...
3 times you have tapped me on the shoulder as i passed you...
3 times you have said, "hey john!" as you tapped me on the shoulder...
3 times i have said, "hey man, what's up." in response to your "hey john!"
3 times i have had no idea who you are...

now, we're going to have to do something about this. usually, i just pretend to know you and then go on with my life. but you look so young and cute and innocent. it breaks my heart feigning a friendship with you when i have no idea where i know you from. i've ever slightly followed you to see who your friends are. and i still have no idea. if you could just add me on facebook, that would be grand. it would take away the awkwardness of me having to ask how i know you and i could find out who your friends are and connect the dots.

little asian boy, in case you don't know who you are, i have some clues that i hope can help you figure it out. you wear glasses like these...

you look kinda like this...

except not gay.

well, on second thought, you could look like anyone one of the following...

again, not gay. and much more cutie and innocent.

so help me out and add me on facebook, kthaaaaanks.

in other news.. i have been playing basketball a lot and realized that i used to feel bad for the random old people at the gym. they usually came alone and while they had some friends on the court, they always arrived and left alone. i've always felt bad for all the old creepers that did that. well, not anymore. because i have become that old creeper. and it's actually not that bad. i love going alone, making friends with random people and then leaving alone. no schedule to follow, no having to wait on andy's slow ass everywhere. walk in, get picked up, run, then leave. who knew growing up could be so fun. weeee.

i am my father's son.

and that's all i got today. life has been good but busy. i can't believe i haven't updated in more than a week. also, i've got a camera coming in, so get ready for lotsa new pics soon! weeee.
have a thrilling thursday!

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