Friday, January 1, 2010

can i plz make new years resolutions?

it's been more than a week since i've updated and for that i apologize. i thought i'd have more free time to blog with the gym closed these few weeks. however, much like my belief that i would grow to 6' 1", i was wrong.

anyways, today is new years day. and i thought it would be a good time to make new years resolutions. resolutions that i will never think about again, let alone complete.

  • can i plz make new years resolutions? DONE.
  • can i plz learn to keep my mouth shut?
this is really. really. hard for me to do. the other day, at work, one of my coworkers described me as "reticent." after googling the definition, i was shocked. i've been called many things (tall, dark, handsome, etc.) never reticent. but i could see where he got that impression. you see, i am very quiet at work. this is due to the fact that when i talk, i tend to say the wrong things.

for instance, while taking a date to the holiday work party...
me: yea, i was actually surprised you said yes to going to this party. thanks so much! i really owe you one!
cameron diaz: oh no problem! i'm always willing to help out a friend!
me: well thanks again. all my other friends were losers and didn't want to go.
cameron diaz: other friends?
me: oh yea, i asked like 2093842048 people befor... can i plz keep my mouth shut.

or more recently...
ultracoolcoworker: yea, im starting a blog..
me: oh wow! that's so exciting! i have a blog! it's called..!!!
ultracoolcoworker: but you're not super or strong..
me: can i plz keep my mouth shut.

yes. i told my coworkers about my blog. after 4 months of keeping my private life private, i finally slipped. sigh, they tricked me so good, being all nice and friendly to me. trying to get me to open up and bam. now i can never write about them anymore. sad day.
anyways, i'll be working on being more reticent this new year.
  • can i plz stop adding my coworkers on facebook?
this is just a bad idea waiting to happen. they can read my status updates and see all my pics. the status updates are the scariest thing. the other day i wrote..
"can my coworkers plz not notice that i am wearing the same thing as yesterday?"
and forgot that i had one coworker as a facebook friend. and now everyone at work knows im a dirty little chinaman.
  • can i plz go to NY?
so i can visit rucker park. and all the amazing shoe stores? oh yea. and to visit my best friend GL?

  • can i plz be more manly?
when i look at my male coworkers, this is what i see...

manly and successful.

unfortunately, when i look in the mirror.. this is what i see...

mrs. wang would be proud.
and when i look deeper, i see...

can i plz not like this movie?

but this is going to stop in 2010. i am going to buy a tool set, watch football 24/7, drink beer, get a beer belly, and talk about women in a derogatory manner. goodbye enchanted john, hello manly john.

and those are all the resolutions i've got so far. i'm in a rush so there's prob lotsa errors in this post. don't get angry, i'll update later and correct my grammar. until next time, have a safe new years and as always, have a fabulous friday!

p.s. can i plz have an amazing body by summer 2010 too? k, thanks.


yet to be figured out said...

Who says the enchanted John isn't a manly John huh?

Princesstine said...

i re-watched enchanted the other day in dubbed korean and it was STILL amazing.
btdubs, i went skiing at this resort and was hindered and ultimately spiraled to my death (this is christine's ghost of xmas past writing) due to a ginormous billboard featuring girls generation aka SNSD that you seem to be obsessed with.
why is there a billboard in a ski resort?
they are absolutely ubiquitous here in korea.

Anonymous said...

im the LAST reason you're visiting NY? Yea - don't come then you buttface! I dont know why i continute this friendship...