Tuesday, October 6, 2009

crazy outrageous bad decisions...

heyy, this is my 2nd video ever. hope you like! until next time, have a terrific tuesday!


MrSkill86 said...

You are a nice guy! giving the ladies motivation and reward all at once!

Unknown said...

really. SO SHALLOW.
and dude. andy's hand is so awkward in the glam vid.
why does he hold his hand like that when he is swaying? it looks super creepy.

Mols said...

Johnny Dubs.. you fail. Once again. Oh and i just notice that you sound like Justin Long, the MAC dude. Hollaaaa

superstrongjohn said...

bc andy doesn't practice the catwalk like me. :P

but he is so true about giving ladies motivation. we are not shallow guys!

and miss malaphone, why are you so mean. :(.

Unknown said...
