Saturday, September 12, 2009

greatest hits, vol. 1

this blog of mine was started early this year and hasn't been running very long. it's something i've always wanted to do. i used to have a xanga, two in fact, and then used facebook notes to do my blogging. maybe someday i'll be good enough with websites i'll be able to create my own website instead of using blogger, which i don't really like that much.
anyways, occasionally, when i get bored i like to go through my old entries and reread them. and i've decided to post some of my most entertaining entries on here from time to time. i will start with my oldest entries and move my way to the present. the posts will be in italics and my comments will be normal..

09.16.03: my first entry
this is my xanga

this post gave me 2 comments and 5 eprops. oh, eprops, how i miss you so. i wish blogger had those. :(. they don't even have a "like" function.

08.24.04: applying for colleges.
its almost college applications time, and with taht comes college essays. being the overacheiver that i am, i have already finished numerous essays for various colleges.

topic 1: name one person who has greatly influenced u.

Dear Harvard,
Dr. Roth (my lang. arts teacher) has influenced me greatly. Without her, I would most definitely not be writing this essay. What a great influencer.
John Wang

topic 2: name one expierence that has given u a great feeling of achievement.

Dear Yale,
This college essay is one personal experience that will most definitely give me a feeling of great achievement and satisfaction. To anyone else, it would seem like a worthless and petty accomplishment, but to me it truly is a triumph.
John Wang

unfortunately, i did not gain entry into these institutions and contemplated suicide for 4 years at tech.

10.14.04: homecoming time!
trying to get chinadolltb to go to HC with me...
chinadolltb(10:12:35 PM): your senior letter was late!!!!
aznpimpJW (10:12:45 PM): because it was written with love
aznpimpJW (10:12:50 PM): it had to b planned out
aznpimpJW (10:13:01 PM): i wanted it to b perfect
chinadolltb (10:13:08 PM): it was written in pencil!!
chinadolltb (10:13:14 PM): and VERY late
aznpimpJW (10:13:29 PM): pencil so i culd erase my mistakes
aznpimpJW (10:13:42 PM): late starts with "L", and so does love

aznpimpJW (11:12:02 PM): hey babar *i called her babar bc she was indian. i was young, forgive me.
aznpimpJW (11:12:09 PM): u wana go to h/c with me?
aznpimpJW (11:12:12 PM): u can suck my trunk
coolshaibeans (11:12:24 PM): NO

aznpimpJW: hey slut
Nessa87V signed off at 9:11:20 PM.

i did not go to HC with any of these lovely ladies. i was a very vulgar person in my youth. :(.

12.04.04: i don't know why i posted about my jr. class officer elections during my sr. year, but i did.
that little caption says: please take note that john wang may not be able to reach some of these goals.

"you know you want to, everyone's doing it." i love that line. i should become a political advisor with my clear talent towards all things political. also, i made pens to pass out that said "this is the pen i will use to vote john wang for jr. class VP." by "made" i mean, i taped a piece of paper onto the pen that said that.
and yes, i did win this election.

so these are 4 littles stories from my high school years that you might not have heard about. there were many other posts i thought about posting, but they were VERY vulgar. sigh at me. oh well, hope you enjoy. until next time, hope you're having a wonderful weekend...

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