Sunday, September 13, 2009

things i have learned at work...

last thursday was my first day of work. so far the first couple days have been good. the people are all really nice and super smart. it feels overwhelming at times and i'm definitely the stupidest person there. but for the first time in my life, i'm actually really applying myself. i've taken stuff home to look over and review. no lie. i'm even shocked myself. i've learned more in the past few days than i have in the past 22 years of my life. i really can't tell you anything i learned from my time at tech, but i can tell you 2349082348 random facts about natural gas (i work for a natural gas provider as a "business analyst intern").
i guess i should have known there would be a lot of learning involved. the job description addressed many different responsibilities and skills required, including: knowledge of derivative instruments, cost evaluation, profitability analysis, monte carlo techniques, regression analysis, etc. don't ask me what any of that means, because i have no idea.
technically, i don't even know what a business analyst does. so don't ask me what i do. all i know is i am halfway to becoming the world's second analrapist. that's an analyst who is also a therapist.

quite possibly the greatest show ever created.

anyways, the job description did have a section of physical demands necessary for the position that i am qualified for. they included "seeing, keyboarding, talking, and sitting." although, the seeing part is only iffy, i really need to get my eyes checked soon...
besides learning about all the intricacies of natural gas of natural gas, i've also learned more about the adult world and the workforce. i mean, sure i've interned at various different places before, but this feels different. while sitting in my cube, i realized, that i may be working here for a really long time. if i get offered a fulltime job, then that would be my life. this made me sad. not that i don't enjoy working there, i just don't want to grow up. there seems to be nothing good about growing up and entering the workforce.. everything is so different, even the flirting...

marriage is a pretty big obstacle.

sidenote: this didn't really happen. well it kind of did, but not in an awkward way. if you know what i mean...

anyways, back in the day, if a girl had a boyfriend, i'd brush it off and say, "it's fineeee." but now, its totally not fine. in a few more years, people are gonna be saying "i gotta take my baby to the park" or something. i do NOT like growing up.
also, my coworkers are totally super smart geniuses that make me feel inferior in every way. BUT. THEY DON'T KNOW WHO T-PAIN IS. do you know how crazy that is?! i mean, i don't usually get on people for not knowing entertainment people because i don't watch much TV or keep up with jon&kate+8 or whatever. but seriously, T - PAIN. if that's not mainstream, i don't know how what is. and its not like they're old too. all the other analysts are mid to late 20s. i think one is in his 30s. sigh. one day, will i be missing out on youtube videos like "thug story?" this makes me ultra sad.

the only thing that keeps me going is the money. i can't wait to spend my first paycheck. so many things to buy!!! i consistently check slickdeals, bensbargains, dealnews, dealighted, fatwallet, etc. daily. just kidding. boss man, if you are reading this, i LOVE working for you.

in other news. i went to the park the other day to read. yes, i like to read, don't judge. i just finished "the catcher in the rye" (amazing book) and am in the middle of "my sister's keeper" (ok book). if anyone knows any good books to read, let me know!
anyways, i love reading outdoors in parks and whatnot. but something has to be done about the ducks there...


man, if that is what chlamydia looks like.. i'm gonna practice abstinence for life.

anyways, hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and get ready for a marvelous monday already! although, mine will probably be a mundane monday.

editt:// MY MUNDANE MONDAY HAS BECOME A MADDENING MONDAY. (yes, i know its still sunday) BUT KANYE WEST. REALLY REALLY?! ARGH, IF I EVER SEE HIM IN REAL LIFE. I AM PUNCHING HIM IN THE FACE. wow, i can't believe he would do that. and to taylor swift! gosh, i love her so much.. her love story is 20934823048 times better than any crap he puts out. i'm glad i illegally download his music. i mean.. err...


Kaliyana said...

I only know of T-pain because of I'm on a Boat. Am I old?

Unknown said...

read "confederacy of dunces" awesome book.

Unknown said...

lololo sigh i wonder what it will feel like to start workings.

superstrongjohn said...

kali, well, at least you've heard of him.. they had no clue...

taejin, i will look into that book...

david, it feels like death. don't do it. stay in school forever...

Unknown said...