Wednesday, September 2, 2009

remember, safety first.

yesterday i was playing basketball when something similar to this occurred...


that "eek!" is usually what i am thinking when things like this occur. followed by "did i score?" but this time my immediate thought after eek was...

no fair.

totally not fair. it's like having a 6th defender out on the court. as soon as i think about doing something crazy like dunking i stop myself bc, what if i get closelined?! ok, so i can't really dunk, but you get the picture. in the back of my mind i always imagine getting hurt and horrific memories come back to haunt me...

yes, my 2nd toe is obscenely long.


it's fuzzy, but that is my ankle. or cankle is probably a better word for it.

before i could just run right over to the health center and get all patched up. but no more. luckily, i haven't had a major injury or even a tweak in a really long time, but injuries are always in the back of my mind when i play now. so um, universal healthcare, anyone? :P. i mean, there's so many diseases going around nowadays, it feels like you're bound to get sick with something. you've got bird flu, swine flu, mad cow and every other animal related disease out there and not to mention...


just kidding. that's just a bad case of poison ivy i got awhile back. i don't even know what chlamydia looks like, i just like the way it sounds. :P
oh well, i think i should be fine from most diseases as i'm generally pretty healthy. and plus if i do get sick, i'll just do what grandpappy used to do back on the watermelon farm.

look at us pickin' that herb.

that good ol' ancient chinese herbal medicine always makes you feel better. and no, not opium you, druggie, you.
ok, that's all, have a thrilling thursday and as always, safety first.


mikle said...

dude. i used to always think that too. the NO HEALTH INSURANCE THING.
but after a while i went back to thinking DID I SCORE!? and THEN the health insurance thing. get used to it. you will be broken like me. well. until you get health benefits from your job. which i am a good 2 years away from. fml.

Grace said...

why are you showing all these nasty pictures?!

what kind of herbs do you want to take?!

i have no health insurance either. it's a sad life. we might die.

superstrongjohn said...

sorry for all the gross pics!

i don't know, the medicinal herbs? good for the mind and soul! and appetite!

sigh at us. do you want your flu mask back?! haha.

Mols said...

Okay, you are SO NASTY! I told you... them nasty infested "jordans" 2, 3, 4? =P Tsk tsk... okay, and the herpes?! GROSS!

I apologize for not visiting your blog as often as i should..i just have to say


superstrongjohn said...

omg, miss malayphone. you are just as mean if not more!

Stephan said...

defensive players should really be more careful instead of barreling over people like that